After speaking with the band it became apparent that they wanted more of a texture with the design and for it to not appear so flat. I decided to try some textures such as marble and rock which reflected the name of the band 'We Built a Mountain'. I firstly tried it inside the triangle but found it looked too plain and did not communicate anything, adding a plain white background with the logo cut out. 

Eventually I came to this outcome which used sky colours and textures which the band requested. The type I had chosen was Futura as the terminals for each letter have a sharper more structured yet minimal aesthetic, this is something the band requested as they wanted something clean and minimal. After showing these designs to the band they were impressed and like the direction I was heading in however they felt that the colours and textures were too grungy and needed more vibrancy to reflect the type of music they make. It was then asked to try different ink/paint textures. 


Taking different inks and mixing them with water on paper helped create more energetic designs with depth and vibrancy. After letting the inks dry I then scanned them into photoshop to add the logo and type. 

After adding the textures to the design I then played with different colours and textures to see which outcome was the strongest. Positioning the logo in the centre creates a focus point for the eye and the type underneath is not too distracting from the colourful background, experimenting with the different backgrounds however I found that the type lost some legibility therefore using lighter colours helped keep the type from getting lost in the background. I added a border to the design as it helped bring structure and a focus point for the busy background. 

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