A YouGov survey published in May 2014 stated that less than half of eligible young people planned to vote in the general election.
How could graphic design be used to ensure that more than 41% of 18-22 year-olds actually participate in the election process?
To complete this task you will first have to research examples of elections that have successfully enticed voters (including Barack Obama's use of social media within his campaigns and the Scottish referendum's engagement of first-time voters) alongside the wants and needs of your target audience. Just by way of a comparison, three quarters of YouGov's surveyed over-60s planned to vote.
Workshop Task:
You will be working as a creative trio for this week's task. Your trios will be drawn up at random.
Consider what roles you will be allocating and also consider the time you have on this project. However, be bold in your thinking. Consider ideas beyond the obvious. Also scrutinize the various stages in the election process so that you may uncover any opportunities to effectively connect your potential users to your message.
As a group, you are expected to produce a significant body of work. If you have managed your time well, you have the option to print out what you feel is necessary. The work you produce will be compiled into a slideshow and you will present it to the group on Thursday 7th May 2015. You will present as though you are pitching to a government organisation. You will have a maximum of five minutes per trio to present: so keep it to the point and explain why you have made certain decisions and the whole rationale for your solutions.
We would like to hear your pitch as though you have a finished concept for a client, so we will not be focussing on the developmental aspects to the project. We want to know the big idea, why it's perfect for your audience and your strategy for the implementation or integration of your design solutions.

Why do we think people are not interested in voting?
- Mistrust/Betrayal from Thatcher 
- We are the generation who were born from the generation who grew up in the 80's with a bad economy.
- Standard of living is better for people compared to years ago after the depression and world war 2, people have been babied almost as we get things too easy.

- Would rather ignore it as it may not effect their lives yet or would rather not know about it.

- Laziness, people feel voting will do more harm than good.

- People may not be educated enough to know or understand the different parties and what they are offering.

- People do not take politicians seriously anymore as for many years they have made promises that they have not fulfilled which will obviously have damaging effects of trust from the public.

This is the logo we created for the app. The app will contain many features throughout including a timetable showing different parties schedule and when they will be on live tv, another part has a more humorous playful side as it invites the public into playing a boxing game where you get to choose which party leader you want to box and fight. The main feature in the app is a selection of policies the public would personally like to benefit from, after more are selected the user will then be put into a category that shows which party would be best suited to them.

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