A concept I came up with was Be that. Idle Man. The idea came after I googled the definition for Idle and Man, Man is pretty straight forward but Idle had different definitions:

(of a person) avoiding work; lazy.
"idle students"
without purpose or effect; pointless.
"he did not want to waste valuable time in idle chatter"
So basically Idle does not really any good connotations towards it and I thought it needed something that would bring out the positive in the company, as Idle is a homophone word it also sounds like idol or ideal which has more of a positive feel to it so I thought it would be beneficial to play about with how it sounds.

Be that came to my mind as it seems like the more masculine version of the female 'It' girl, be that would be more suitable to my male target audience. I still want to play about with the different capital letters and to see what works best, the full stop also has a role in the concept as you can read it as 'Be that idle man' or 'Be that. Idle Man' where the full stop makes you focus more on 'that'.

The message that Idle man are trying to get to the target audience is that their website is the place to go to get the exact style or clothing your looking for, in the project pack they explain that young males from 18-25 may not know exactly what their style is or what suits them but they want to be individual and well dressed. This is where my idea for be that comes in. My partner however came up with 'Straight Forward Style' as she thought it was more clear to the target audience that Idle Man is straight forward to go to and to navigate around to find the right clothing, whilst also being stylish at the same time. We need to get more feedback with these two concepts and see which people prefer.

Crit Feedback:
Today I only presented the be that concept to see if people liked the idea and look I was going for. The feedback was fairly positive and there was criticism on what type to use, this was useful but at this moment in time I was mainly focusing on the concept and if the full stop worked. I need to do another crit to get feedback on the two different concepts.

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